Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

Pruned the grape vines in Chychy's garden along our common fence, chipped the public path with the cuttings. Freddie's going to be planting out the three remaining beds, row D along the fence by Chychy's garden - tomatoes, beans, cukes, etc. Said I'd make her some stakes.

Designing a small front yard garden for a client on Yarmouth Street in the South End. A small space with big challenges, as small spaces often are. Met the client, got a feel for what she needs and likes. Returned to the garden, made a list of all her requirements and preferences, then started sketching in my notebook. Need to go back by and spend some time with the site, measure it carefully, do a dimensioned field sketch, check the soil and underground structures of some sort coming out from the building, then do a scaled drawing using EazyDraw.

5:00 - 69°. H - 75°. L - 43°. Sky - sun, high thin clouds. Wind - E, 1-2. RH - low.

Here's our birding life list for the Fenway Victory Gardens, consisting of about 40 species. Thw birds seen today are checked off, a little more than a quarter of the possible species. The geese have had goslings for a few weeks now. The grackles in the big pine are just fledging.

√ Blackbird, Red-winged | Cardinal, Northern | Catbird, Gray | Chickadee, Black-capped | √ Cormorant, Double-crested | √ Crow, American | √ Dove, Mourning | √ Dove, Rock | √ Duck, Mallard | Egret, Snowy | Falcon, Peregrine | Finch, House | Goldfinch, American | √ Grackle, Common | Grosbeak, Rose-breasted | √ Gull. Herring | Hawk, Red-tailed | Heron, Great Blue | Heron, Little Blue | Hummingbird, Ruby-throated | √ Goose, Canada | Martin, Purple | Merganser, Hooded | Mockingbird, Northern | Oriole, Baltimore | √ Robin, American | √ Sparrow, House | Sparrow, Song | √ Sparrow, White-throated | √ Starling, European | √ Swallow, Tree | Swan, Mute | Titmouse, Tufted | Thrush, Swainson's | Thrush, Wood | Warbler, Black-throated Blue | Woodpecker, Downy | Woodpecker, Red-headed | Yellowthroat, Common

Quote of the day
You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes only if you generously consent to share them.
Albert Camus

Space. Roxbury, Mass.

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