Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010

Poplar spindrifts filling the air drifting on southern breezes. Fluffy, white, floating in periodic releases, large snowflakes littering the ground.

10:00-77°. H-82°. L-43°. Wind - SSW, 2-5. Sky - scattered cumulus, 25&, clearing. RH- low.

Freddie planted last three beds on Saturday. Tomatoes, eggplant, parsley, the rest {unknown) from seed. My stuff is slowly sprouting.

Vole explosion, one of their periodic population peaks. Scampering across my toes, behind my back - here, there, everywhere in broad daylight. Big brown moles.

√ Blackbird, Red-winged | Cardinal, Northern | Catbird, Gray | Chickadee, Black-capped | Cormorant, Double-crested | Crow, American | √ Dove, Mourning | √ Dove, Rock | √ Duck, Mallard | Egret, Snowy | Falcon, Peregrine | Finch, House | Goldfinch, American | √ Grackle, Common | Grosbeak, Rose-breasted | √ Gull. Herring | Hawk, Red-tailed | Heron, Great Blue | Heron, Little Blue | Hummingbird, Ruby-throated | Goose, Canada | Martin, Purple | Merganser, Hooded | √ Mockingbird, Northern | √ Oriole, Baltimore | √ Robin, American | √ Sparrow, House | Sparrow, Song | Sparrow, White-throated | √ Starling, European | √ Swallow, Tree | Swan, Mute | Titmouse, Tufted | Thrush, Swainson's | Thrush, Wood | Warbler, Black-throated Blue | Woodpecker, Downy | Woodpecker, Red-headed | Yellowthroat, Common

Quote of the Day
It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.
Gertrude Stein

Image ... Woodswoman.

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