Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

Early, an inky blue sky. Yellow moon shing through the hemlock. Chattering chorus of birds. Wind sifting the trees. Surf of distant traffic. Sweep of jet. Yap of seagulls circling in the sky.

Dug out the composters further and added to planting beds. Chopped up the raspberry canes in Chychy's garden and spread over muddy areas on public path. Weeded her garden.

A work crew cleaning out the gardens in back of us cut off the grape vine on the uphill side of Chychy's garden. Now there's no privacy. I'm highly annoyed. On the other hand, they did get rid of that damned multiflora rose that was always invading. We're going to plant a lot of Scarlet Runner Beans.

Freddie dropped in and spent an hour or so on a work break. Neighbors - Mike, Ron, Richard B., Richard D, Tom, woman across the way. Visited Richard Barry and had a chat.

9:00-65°. H-79°. L-49°. Sky-100% clear. Wind-SW, 5-10. RH-low.

Image ... View from the grape arbor in the garden.

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