Sunday, June 21, 2009
June 21
Another day of rain possible. Probable, certainly looks and feels like it. The forecast just creeps forward adding another rain day daily. On Thurrsday it was Sunday, Friday added Monday, Saturday recruited Tuesday. We seem to be stuck in a pattern, much like the very cool spring we had. June can be tricky. I remember one June it rained nonstop the whole month. People were about to lose their minds during the last half of the month. At least these are just more like successions of passing showers.
Downtown consulting with a client. Bussed rather than biked, rain being imminent. Wrote and sketched there and back again on the Silver Line. Fitful showers, both chilly and clammy. Arrived home around noon to catch the late risers breakfasting and hung out shooting the breeze, leafing the Times.
Designed and uploaded (many times to check) the new Roofscape cover. Unexpected. Quite different. Now conforms to Roofscape News specs, so the two share the same format and can easily exchange entries back and forth. The cover is now more advanced and the next RSN will be the one updated to the new specs.
Did some major programming for Radio 1 very late at night. A real mix. Many new and unfamiliar artists. Lots of props flowing in. Added some new listeners to RR and Twitter followers. We now check out all Twitter followers, including their websites, and follow them back unless there's something off-putting about them.